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Category Archives: Our Life

Readers Choice Awards :: Last Day for Nominations!

Today is the last day to nominate your favorite businesses for the Oklahoma Readers Choice awards! Every year I somehow don’t hear about it and so I’ve never had a chance to actually vote in it before, but this year we heard about it (albeit the very last day). So I just plugged my favorite...

Photographer’s Lunch on Thursday

Hey, Photographers! If you’d like to join a group of us for lunch on Thursday, come on out to Humble Pie around 11:30 for the best Chicago-style deep dish pizza within 700 miles. =) I’m going to bring Canon’s flagship 1Ds Mark III for any of you that might enjoy checking it out. It’s a...

Lightning Storm!

Are you seeing this amazing lightning storm right now? We love storm-watching, so we couldn’t resist sitting outside while it was rolling in, and before it started raining. Wow, the lightning show is incredible! Every second or two the entire sky was lit up! I took my tripod and camera with fish-eye lens out and...

Like the Weather

I used to have a buddy who, when asked “how are you doing?” would always answer, “Like the weather.” On weeks like this one, we’d all be doing pretty darn good if that were the case! =) It’s that beautiful early Spring weather that comes every year to help the grass green up, the flowers...

Humble Pie’s Grand Opening is Saturday, April 4th!

You’ve read our raves about Humble Pie… Now it’s your chance to have some, too! It’s the Grand Opening!! Holly and I plan to be there with our girls and we’d love to see you there, too! Here are the critical details: WHO: All the cool kidsWHAT: Grand Opening Party with free pizza, live music...

Food Update: Crepe Recipe & Margherita Pie

It’s funny and disturbing how many of my status updates are related to food. =) Here’s a blog post dedicated entirely to food. My apologies in advance to anyone who is on a strict diet! On Saturday, Holly and I made strawberry crepes for breakfast and we got lots of comments from you, requesting the...

Fun Shooting Today – Texture Hunt

This afternoon I had the pleasure of shooting just for fun, gathering textures for use in the future. It’s amazing how much money can be spent on textures, so a texture excursion (I’m tempted to call it a texcursion, but does everything really need to have a witty name? =) seemed like a good idea...

FastTrack Photographer

I had the great pleasure of hearing Dane Sanders speak a couple of weeks ago at WPPI. It was a soul-searching presentation and I have thought on it every day since then. I do need to go back over my notes on it, but it impacted my life. Well, I just bought his audio book,...

The 80’s vs. Today :: Economic Indicators

Can you believe it’s March already?! I love it! Since January and February are our slowest months (as on-location photographers, we’re subject to the weather) we kinda hibernate over winter and emerge in early March to start shooting again. =) Daylight Savings Time begins early this year — next weekend! — so don’t forget to...

Personal Pics from the Park Today

Wow, what a wonderful February this has been! I couldn’t resist taking the kids to the park and getting some fun shots of them today. Here are a few of my faves, but we blogged about 20 on the girls’ blog if you want to check out some more. Love this one of Storie with...

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