Monthly Archives: July 2007

Profile Pictures

Can you believe it’s already the end of July?! I stopped by the store last night to pick up a few things and there was a frantic family buying back-to-school supplies. Man, seems like when I was in school we didn’t even think of that until the end of August, but apparently some schools are...

We're Back!

After a grand finale at Whitewater yesterday, we’re finally back from our vacation visiting my family up in Pennsylvania. We had a great time, but it’s always nice to be back home. I had a sampling from two recent sessions that I wanted to post while I was out, but our internet access was pitiful...

Sketchy Celly Coverage

Hey, all, I’m in and out of cell phone coverage for a couple of days, so if you get a strange message on my phone, don’t worry. If you call back, chances are you’ll be able to reach my voice mail to leave a message and we’ll get back with you soon if you can...

Sheridan's Senior Pictures

It’s that time already… School is about to begin and high school seniors need to be thinking about their senior pictures! If you know any seniors, remind them to get their pictures done early so they can miss the Spring rush. We had a handful of seniors last year who called us too late after...

The Dobbs Family

Here are a few initial pictures from our session last night with the Dobbs family. I absolutely love this first picture of the two kids hugging, flowers in hand! This picture really cracked me up, because the kids all appear to be shocked at Mom and Dad’s public display of affection. It’s hard to see...

Google’s New Voice Local Search

I haven’t had a chance yet to use this, but I just can’t wait… Okay, now I have tried it and it’s as cool as expected. I looked up our own company and it found us first time without any delay! Here’s a link to Google’s page on it. Did I mention that it’s free?...

The Pope’s Family Portraits

We always feel really honored when our customers drive so very far to come have their pictures taken. I guess we’ve known the Pope’s for going on two years now, since we did Meredith’s senior portraits and they’re a really great family. I think if we ever decide we have to move somewhere, we’re going...

The Sun is Back!

Well, after weeks of rain the sun is back! I was overjoyed to see the forecast for the next couple of days… Yep, those are little “sun” icons, and we’re in the 90’s finally! It’s been such a wet and cool Spring that we’re already about 50% over our average annual rainfall and we’re almost...

Hill Family Pictures

We had the pleasure of photographing some adorable twin girls recently and here are some of our favorites from the session. Hope you enjoy! More to come… I got a little behind on the blog so I’m having to catch up. =) Thanks for stopping by… Hope y’all have a great week! … All Photos...

Another Incognito Engagement Session

This weekend I had the good fortune to shoot another incognito engagement session. We had just watched the movie “Shooter” the night before, so I considered bringing my camouflage ghille suit but then decided against it since it was a public park and I didn’t want to have to explain to police. =) Jonathan had...

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