It’s Time to Start Thinking About Fall Portraits!

I know it’s still hot out, but can you believe that summer’s over and school is starting up already? And that fall is RIGHT around the corner!? You know what that means…

It’s time to start thinking about (and booking) portraits for families and for the graduating class of 2018! We’d love to help you think through the best locations to be the perfect environment and background for your fall family portraits.

Fall is my absolute favorite season (until winter arrives, then I fall in love with spring… every single year. Haha!). In the heat of summer, I just long for those crisp evenings, when a hoodie is required at sunset to enjoy the outdoors, and the mosquitoes die off… I can almost smell the sweet hardwood smoke and hear a crackling campfire already.

Here’s a little inspiration for you as you think about fall, and even those requisite Christmas cards. =) Loved these photos we got of the beautiful Beard family on their limited session last year. I hadn’t got around to posting them, so now’s the perfect time, I think.

Who’s ready for some scarf and layers weather!?

Stay cool, friends! And thank God for air conditioning in the mean time! =)


EDIT: We did a gorgeous canvas grouping for them and another big canvas for a different room, and thought maybe you’d enjoy seeing the final product! First the computer-aided design showing the layout and how large it will be (to scale) on a photo of their own wall. The software doesn’t take into account that we don’t crop off the tops of heads so the preview isn’t showing exactly right, don’t worry. =) The preview is showing that way because canvas prints naturally stretch the photo around the edges of all four sides. However, when we prep the photos for print, we actually will digitally stretch or re-create the edges in order to keep the subjects from getting improperly cropped or wrapped around the edges. =)


And here’s one of the canvases in print, that was for a different room, actually. There was a slightest bit of damage in shipping, so we took care of replacing it (of course) and got to keep this one as a little sample here at the office. =) Such a beautiful family, it’s nice to have smiles like theirs here at the office to enjoy every day!


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