They Become Friends…

People ask us all the time, “So do you take pictures of friends, mainly?” How funny! How do we give that impression so consistently? Is it because we become friends during the photo sessions and then afterwards when we post the proofs we have so many nice things to say about how we enjoyed our...

Cheesecake Factory Ribbon-Cutting

If you’ve never before eaten at The Cheesecake Factory, you’re in for a treat! Oklahoma City has finally landed our very own! It’s opening this week, right next to Penn Square Mall off of NW Expressway. As an active member of the Oklahoma City (and Edmond) Chamber of Commerce, we get to attend grand openings...

Commercial/Hospital Photography

It’s been a year now that I’ve been doing St. Anthony Hospital’s commercial photography. It’s been a delight to work with such nice people and quality facility. They’re in the process of opening a new surgery center and I was delighted to be asked to take photos of the new surgery rooms and the dedication...

Nathan's Baby Pictures

We had the great pleasure of working again with Mike & Sara, this time to get some fun pictures of their new little bundle of joy! Since moving to the Canon 5D (from Nikon, previously) we’re much more confident working indoors and in lower-light situations. This “upgrade” in equipment was just what was needed to...

B&W Clouds and Moon

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a fascination with B&W; photography of clouds and landscapes. A few days ago, we had a beautiful sunset with a sliver of a moon shining through the brightly-colored clouds. Regardless of the beautiful colors, I love the way B&W; photograpy enhances the contrast of the clouds,...

Ramsey Family Pictures

The Ramsey family were a pleasure to work with — as always! I think this is the third time we’ve done their family pictures, besides two sessions with Ben & Meredith and one with Meredith alone for her bridal portraits. That adds up to 6 sessions and most certainly qualifies them as our most loyal...

Brochure Photography – OASIS

Oasis is a fun evangelical outreach program based downtown in Bricktown. Their slogan is “church in a bar” I think. Something like that. Anyway, it’s completely unconventional as far as church and evangelistic outreach goes and it was fun to help them on this project with photography of downtown OKC (the monochromatic picture of the...

Storm Clouds

How about that storm that came through tonight!?! We all love a good storm and today was no exception. The rain was much appreciated and the sound of the thunder made for a great atmosphere for a friendly game of Canasta between my lovely bride and I. Before the rain started pounding, I couldn’t help...

Braxton’s Baby Pictures

I think everybody loves baby pictures. They’re just so cute! All their tiny little features are just amazing. Babies are great reminders of the miracle of life. We took pictures for some good friends recently of their newborn baby boy, Braxton. Here are a couple, but you can click here (or on the photos below)...

Camera Toss (The Blog)

If you’re like me, you’ve probably never heard of Camera Tossing. It’s a very interesting read and the resulting images are unique and fascinating, but I don’t think I have a camera that I’d be willing to regularly toss into the air for any reason. =) The above link will take you to a blog...

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