A Great Blog on Depression

I just read a very interesting blog by Tim Ferriss entitled, β€œDepression: How You Label Determines How You Feel.” [Yes, I typed that correctly.] I highly recommend Tim’s blog for a good read on positive lifestyle changes and miscellaneous other fun topics intertwined.

It was overall a great article, and timely considering Heath Ledger’s untimely death. I was really struck by a few points he made:

  1. β€œβ€¦perhaps the best indicator of happiness [is] frequency of eating with friends and family.”
  2. There are natural rhythms and cycles of life (energy, interests, etc.) and depression is a natural and necessary part of that natural cycle.
  3. Being a more grateful person can totally change your outlook on life.

Those aren’t the main three points he was making in his article, but I wanted to pass them along. Particularly at this time of the year, I know a lot of people struggle with being down.

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