Definitely a First

Okay, I never thought I’d see this day… My Mom just blogged about how much she loves the American Idol song “This Is My Now.” That’s just wrong in so many ways. My parents don’t even watch TV, I didn’t know they even know what American Idol was and we just got her set up on a blog not too long ago. Pretty amazing, I guess she’s really taken hold if it quickly! Pretty cool, Mom… A technology-proficient Grandmum!

Have you heard the song? I’ve heard it online a few times and I actually like it. Holly doesn’t like it as much as I do and said she wouldn’t consider it one of her favorites. That’s her nice way of saying it’s not all that good. =)

I’m interested to know what you, our esteemed blog audience, think of the song. Am I just one of the corny, untrained masses or do you like it, too? We will trust your tastes since you like our photography. =)

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